Why alone time is important for moms

Before we have kids we had all the time for ourselves. It's easy to have alone time and do what we want, go wherever we want. After having kids, it seems to be extra hard to find that 'me time'. Having alone or quiet time with yourself is important specially for moms. After having an exhausted day with your toddler, you'll eventually feel like you need some time off from your kids. It's not bad to take care of yourself, having 'me time' doesn't mean we love them any less. It means that we matters too. Spend time with yourself even if it's just 5 minutes a day.

How can you fill up somebody's cup if yours is empty? Let's fill up your mom tank with these ideas 

1. Salon day
Have a day at the salon. You can have spa, mani/pedi or have your hair cut. It feels great to feel pretty and good about ourselves too. 

2. Catch up with a friend and have coffee Sometimes having a conversation with other people helps. It's refreshing to hear grown-up conversations that doesn't include potty training, and other toddler related topics

3. Go to park and people watch
This will give you the peace and quiet you need

4. Work out or exercise
Endorphins makes us happy. It releases a positive feeling in our body. You can jog or have a work out routine at home.

5. Spend time on your hobby
Knitting, reading a book, taking a hike or whatever you love to do. Find some time to work on it. It feels good to have a hobby that you love. It somehow define us who we are aside from being a mom.

6. Write a journal
Writing helps me to release my emotions and anxieties. After a long hard day of giving my time to my child, it helps me realize and analyze what I have done for a day and makes me a better mom 

7. Go for a walk and disconnect from technology
Disconnect to connect. Connect with yourself and go for a walk around your block or farther. Walk your dog or walk alone. It helps to clear your mind.

8. Have a date with your partner
Sometimes it only takes one date to feel that spark again. Aside from being a mom, we are a wife too. Talk to your partner, talk about future and your plans.

9. Bake
This is a therapeutic activity. I'm not sure if there's a scientific explanation for this but baking makes me happy. I can always feel that sense of fulfillment after trying to make a dessert for my husband and child.

10. Go to mall
Go to mall, walk around, go to grocery and shop if you want. I know us moms are selfless and we end up buying things for our husband and child but, remind yourself that sometimes buying things for you doesn't make you selfish. It's self-love.

Taking some time off from our kids isn't a bad thing. You family will feel better if they see you in your happiest version of yourself. 

How do you spend your me time? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.


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