Why moms find cleaning to be therapeutic
Stay-at-home moms, working-from-home moms, working moms and even dads feel stressed and overworked most of the time. From juggling between work, managing home and parenting, we sometimes forgot to relax.
What does relaxation mean for you? We have different ways to deal with stress, as for me I find cleaning and moving my body therapeutic. I have read that a cluttered environment can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety. You read it right, a messy and cluttered room may affect our mental health.
It's hard to move and think when you're living in a disorganized environment. It distracts us from doing our daily tasks and hard to stay organized.
I believe that cleaning gives us a sense of fulfillment and gratification. Seeing your home clean and organized relieves stress and anxiety. And makes us feel like we have achieved something from cleaning. It is satisfying and makes us feel better that leads to productivity. Which leads me to conclusion that cleaning is good for our health.
I understand that it is sometimes hard to clean especially when you have toddlers that put all their toys on the floor the minute you finished cleaning. There are some ways to have a clean and organized home even if you have a kid.
1. Have a play space
Make your child a play corner and put all his toys there. You can put a small table where he can do all his arts and crafts stuff. In this way, your child can feel that he has his personal space in your home.
2. No-toys-allowed zone
I use this rule in our bedroom, when it is bedtime my son automatically remove his toys from our bed. I told him that if I find his toy from this zone, I will get it and he will not see that toy anymore. When your kid is old enough to understand this rule, you may implement it immediately. This can help your child to be responsible of the things he own.
3. Encourage your child to clean up
Kids around age 2 to 3 years tends to mimic their parents. My son somehow absorb my organizing techniques without me teaching him. As long as your child sees you organizing and cleaning, eventually they learn how to mimic that too.
4. Make cleaning fun
Everytime I clean, my son joins me and clean too. I think he sense that cleaning makes me happy and wants to try it too. I suggest that allow your child to help sometimes and make it fun, play some games like "who's the fastest to clean".
5. Give small tasks
Small habits eventually leads to long-term habits. Give your child small tasks that they can do and accomplished like wiping tables.
Whether your cleaning for five minutes or an hour, it doesn't matter. As long as you are moving your body, this will help you relieve that stressful feeling.
Cleaning is a form of meditation. Because it stops our mind from being preoccupied and it clears your mind from stressful thoughts. That's why we call it cleaning therapy. Our brain releases dopamine which makes us feel accomplished that's why we feel happy after we cleaned.
Remember, "Tidy room, Tidy mind"
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