Signs that you child is ready to be potty trained
Is your child read to be potty-trained? Some says that a child needs to be trained by the age of 2 to 3 years. But in reality, our little ones are showing signs that they are ready, when they're really ready. Moms, you know your child the best. You can sense when it's the right time to train him.
I remember when my son turned 2, I was so eager to push him into potty training already. I keep telling my husband that "it's time" even though my son doesn't show any interest with that. Until I've decided to wait until he's ready. Now, he's diaper free all day.
Here are some of the signs that he/she is ready
Pulling his/her diaper
This is the first sign that your child is ready to be potty trained. Observe how many times he does this everyday.
Dry diapers
When you notice that your child's diaper remains dry for a long time, he might have developed his bladder control and is ready to pee in the bathroom.
Sitting when pooping (even in diapers)
One minute he's playing with his toys, then next minute he's sitting around the corner and you wonder what he's doing. You can try to sit him in his potty and see if he's ready.
Saying poo or pee
"Poo poo", "I need to pee pee", or "Wiwi". No matter what words they use, they eventually learn how to verbalize words about potty.
They ask for new diapers
Your child can recognize they have wet/dirty diapers and ask you to change it.
Potty training must-haves
1. Potty Chair/Baby Toilet
2. Stock of Wet Wipes
3. Disposable plastic
4. Underwear
5. Kid's stool (Plastic or wooden)
6. Soap
7. Progress chart
You may set-up your bathroom to be potty ready for your child so he can comfortably use it whenever he feel the urge of taking a pee or poo.
Potty training is a major developmental milestone and there's no success guaranteed. One trick may work on your child and not on the other. Every child has different approach in potty training. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance for us parents. (and tears too.)
You just have to find what motivates your child. Hope this blog helps.
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